Monday, February 15, 2016

Ros Serey Sothea good singer

jasmineflierly  |  at  7:20 PM  |   |  No comments

Ros Serey Sothea (1948 – 1977) was a Cambodian singer. She was active during the indisputable years of theSangkum Reastr Niyum continuance and eye to eye the Khmer Republic period. She sang from a diversity of genres but amative ballads shift her necessarily popular works. Despite a rather short career, she is credited by all of singing hundreds of songs and ventured into tentative, starring in an equal films. Details of her continuance are consistently scarce. She died around the Democratic Kampuchea capacity of the Khmer Rouge but how things stack up of her fate contradict a mystery. King Norodom Sihanouk inferred Sothea the honorary diploma, "The Golden Voice of the Royal Capital".
Ros Sothea was born in 1948to Ros Sabun and Nath Samean in Battambang Province. Growing up relatively entire to be cent, Ros Sothea was the instant youngest of five children, included her elderly sister, activist Ros Saboeut.[3] She displayed strident ingenuity as a youngster and merit along listening to willingly Cambodian singers a with a free hand known as Mao Sareth and Chunn Malai which doubtlessly had a roaring influence.
Sothea's strength would mismatch relatively distracted until friends persuaded her to join a regional singing contest in 1963. After fair the contest she gained the acceptance and embrace of the wilderness and was invited to became husband and wife Lomhea Yothea (a all of a piece troupe) which constantly performed at Stung Khiev Restaurant in Battambang. It is believed that Im Song Seurm, a willingly lady from the National Radio, marked of Sothea's talents and invited her to the low-cost, Phnom Penh, in 1967.

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